Online Assessment, Talent Hunt For The Perfect Fit

Online Assessment

Online Assessment technology is a web-based technology used for screening candidates. so that organizations can make use of efficient resource management. not your normal questionnaire or resume screening software. We at Jigya Software recognize the usefulness of such tools and provide SaaS (Software as a Service) Solution to our clients. Our collections of customable tools cater to each organization’s needs and preferences separately, providing a holistic solution.

“Leverage Online Assessments for precise Talent Identification. Beyond LinkedIn and, ensure Meticulous Candidate Evaluation”

Imagine how hard it would be to find the right candidate without web platforms like LinkedIn. Now imagine identifying talent with niche skill sets required for specialized roles, from the millions of resumes offered to you daily. It doesn’t sound much different from the traditional methods newspaper and classifieds ads now does it.

Online assessment is a tool an employer can use to perform structured and meticulous evaluation of a candidate’s skills, characteristics, knowledge and expertise. These tools help businesses determine if an employee would be a good fit for an organization.
In this blog, we are going to discuss about E- Assessments in detail. Our comprehensive analysis of Online Assessment is specifically tailored keeping our readers, the recruiters, in mind.

This blogs delves in detail into subjects like objectives of Online Assessments, how to choose the right E-Assessment Tool, how to master (or make use of) Online Assessment Tools, the mechanism behind the working of Online Assessments, their benefits and, of course, our List of Top 5 Online Assessment Tools. Consider this your go- to Bible of Online Assessment Tools!

E- Assessments: The Quest for Accuracy

Recognizing the importance of quality screening for one’s business strategy is of paramount importance. Employers invest substantial time and resources in meticulously parsing through resumes and conducting interviews. However, the prevalence of embellished resumes, rife with half-truths and exaggerations, poses a significant challenge. Unearthing these fabrications often comes at the expense of valuable time and resources, emphasizing the need for a more structured and foolproof evaluation process.

Now imagine the nightmare scenario if the employer adds on to his hiring task an unstructured screening process involving Non standardized interviews and tests. The potential for wasted resources on candidates who do not meet the required criteria looms large, underscoring the necessity for a more systematic approach.

To overcome such mistakes, and for useful tips and tools for better resume screening and video interviewing, give our blogs a look!

“Tailor Assessments to the Role! Don’t test a Developer on his Speaking Skills or a Salesman’s coding skills!”


Key Objectives of Online Assessments

In the realm of recruitment, online assessments serve as indispensable tools, aligning with key objectives that are pivotal to the success of the hiring process. Online assessment fulfills the following key objectives for recruitment:

1. Assess Subject Matter Expertise

The foremost objective of online assessments is to gauge the subject matter expertise of candidates. By presenting questions and scenarios directly related to the specific skills and knowledge required for a particular role, these assessments provide invaluable insights into a candidate’s depth of understanding and proficiency in the relevant field.

“Seek Strengths and Weaknesses Right from the Start: Hire and Empower using Online Assessment Tools”


2. Shortlist Relevant Candidates

Efficiently sifting through a pool of applicants is a daunting task, but online assessments streamline this process by objectively evaluating each candidate’s suitability through grading. By leveraging a predetermined set of criteria, recruiters can identify and shortlist candidates who not only possess the necessary qualifications but also align with the company’s values and objectives.

3. Identify Training Needs of the Workforce

Online assessments extend beyond the realm of candidate evaluation; they also play a crucial role in identifying the training needs of the existing workforce. Through targeted questions and performance analyses, employers gain insights into areas where employees may require additional training or skill development. This proactive approach contributes to a more skilled and adaptable workforce.

A study by EmerGen Research forecasts the global assessment services market to reach USD 11.47 billion by 2027, reflecting the widespread reliance on online assessment tools across diverse industries.


4. Recognize Strengths and Weaknesses

Comprehensive online assessments delve into various facets of a candidate’s abilities, allowing recruiters to recognize both strengths and weaknesses. Understanding these aspects is essential for making informed decisions during the hiring process. Moreover, this knowledge facilitates effective onboarding and ensures that new hires receive the support and development opportunities needed to thrive within the organization.

Choosing The Right Online Assessment Tool

While choosing the right online assessment tool, it is crucial to prioritize solutions that encompass the complete recruitment spectrum. Ensure that your chosen tool not only aligns with the key objectives outlined above but also offers a user-friendly interface, robust analytics, and adaptability to diverse roles and industries.

Choosing the right assessment is a critical decision for employers. Are they seeking to evaluate specific niche skills, knowledge, learning abilities, or soft skills like communication and personality? The mismatch of assessing a software developer’s communication skills or a salesperson’s tech advancements knowledge underscores the importance of tailoring assessments to the specific needs of the role.

To talk to an expert regarding Online Assessment Tools, contact us here.

To revolutionize your hiring process, explore our assortment of online assessment tools. Our Dedicated Development Centre is designed to meet the multifaceted objectives of recruitment—assessing expertise, shortlisting candidates effectively, identifying training needs, and recognizing both strengths and weaknesses. Elevate your hiring experience by choosing an online assessment tool that aligns seamlessly with your organizational goals and empowers you to build a workforce poised for success.

“Invest In a Comprehensive Online Assessement Tool- Maximizing Hiring Impact Across Industries, From Writing to Coding to HR Expertise”


Mastering Online Assessment Tools: A Step-by-Step Guide

Talent assessment tools come along with a plethora of built-in assessments and tools. These tools empower recruiters to evaluate candidates’ knowledge, skills, abilities, and potential systematically. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to leverage these tools effectively:

1. Define Criteria

The first and crucial step in utilizing talent assessment tools is to define specific criteria for the role in question. Whether seeking exceptional coding skills or other technical proficiencies, clearly outline the skills and competencies required. For instance, if the role demands expertise in particular coding languages, make these specifications explicit to ensure a targeted evaluation process.

2. Select Online Assessment Tools

Once the criteria are established, the next step involves selecting appropriate assessments from the extensive test library provided by talent assessment platforms. These platforms typically offer various tests categorized by domains like psychometric, behavioral, and technical assessments. Some platforms even provide customizable features, allowing recruiters to amalgamate various tests into a cohesive assessment tailored to the unique requirements of the role.

3. Administer Assessments

With the assessments chosen, recruiters can seamlessly administer them to candidates. This process is facilitated by sending assessment links to candidates through email or other communication channels. The flexibility of communication channels ensures a smooth and convenient experience for candidates, promoting engagement in the evaluation process.

4. Evaluate Results

Post-assessment, the talent assessment software takes center stage in automating the grading process. The software meticulously evaluates each candidate’s performance against the defined criteria and generates a comprehensive report. This report not only includes numerical scores but also provides insightful analyses. Its also  offers recruiters a nuanced understanding of the candidate’s strengths and areas for improvement.

“Future- Proof Your Team! Assessments Reveal Leaders for Smooth Succession”

Incorporating talent assessment tools into your recruitment strategy empowers you to make more informed decisions. By following these systematic steps—defining criteria, selecting assessments, administering tests, and evaluating results—you not only streamline the hiring process but also gain deeper insights into candidates’ capabilities. The data-backed approach ensures a fair and objective evaluation, setting the stage for assembling a high-performing and well-matched team.

Decoding the Mechanism: Understanding How Online Assessments Work

Online assessments represent a sophisticated methodology for evaluating candidates. They delve into a spectrum of skills through a combination of direct and indirect questions. Each job role demands a specific set of skills, and the online assessment tool meticulously considers this array of skills to determine the candidate’s suitability for the applied position.

Key Areas of Online Assessment for Hiring Purposes:


1. Psychometric Assessments:

Online assessments for hiring often kick off with psychometric evaluations, delving into aspects crucial for organizational dynamics. This includes:

a) Personality Assessments: Uncovering traits and characteristics that align with the company’s culture and values.

b) Cognitive Assessments: Measuring critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities.

2. Behavioral Assessments:

Understanding how candidates respond to various situations is essential. Behavioral assessments shed light on a candidate’s reactions, interpersonal skills, and their approach to teamwork and conflict resolution.

3. Technical Assessments:

In the rapidly evolving job market, technical proficiency is paramount. Online assessments offer targeted evaluations, including:

a) Coding Assessments: Evaluating a candidate’s coding skills, problem-solving ability, and algorithmic thinking.

b) Role-Based Assessments: Tailored assessments aligning with the specific technical requirements of the job.

4. Communication Skills Assessments:

Effective communication is a cornerstone of success in many roles. Assessments in this area gauge a candidate’s ability to convey information clearly, both in written and verbal communication.

Assessment Areas Driving Organizational Development:

These distinct assessment areas play a pivotal role in shaping the organizational development for the client company, allowing employers to evaluate various skills critical for success:

“Optimize Assessments- Incorporate Psychometric, Behavioral, Technical and Communications Evaluations”


1. Learning and Development:

Assessments aid in identifying candidates’ potential for growth and learning, offering insights into their adaptability and willingness to acquire new skills.

2. High Potential Identification:

Online assessments play a crucial role in identifying high-potential individuals within the candidate pool, helping organizations nurture and invest in future leaders.

3. Succession Planning:

By evaluating candidates on a broad spectrum, assessments contribute to effective succession planning. Identifying individuals with the right mix of skills and leadership qualities ensures a smooth transition in key roles within the organization.

The comprehensive evaluation across psychometric, behavioral, technical, and communication skills allows organizations to make informed decisions, building a workforce that not only meets current needs but also propels the company toward future success. As we delve deeper into the nuances of online assessments, we’ll uncover how these tools are not just evaluative but also transformative.

Features of Online Assessments

As organizations embrace the efficiency and precision of online assessments in their recruitment strategies, it’s crucial to explore the key features that make these tools indispensable in today’s dynamic job market.

1. Handles a Large Number of Candidates:

Online assessments are engineered to handle a high volume of candidates concurrently. This scalability ensures that recruitment processes remain swift and agile, especially in situations where many applicants are vying for positions. This feature is pivotal for organizations conducting mass recruitment drives or managing multiple job openings simultaneously.

2. Extensive Question Library and Easy Customization:

One of the hallmark features of online assessments lies in their expansive question libraries. They covering a wide range of competencies and skills. This vast repository allows recruiters to tailor assessments according to the specific requirements of each role. Moreover, the ease of customization enables the amalgamation of various question types, ensuring a nuanced evaluation that aligns precisely with the desired skill set.

“Mass Screening, Secure Analysis, Custom Online Assessment: Tools for Modern Hiring”


3. Secure Environment for Online Assessments:

Security is paramount in the digital landscape, especially when conducting assessments that play a pivotal role in the recruitment process. Online assessment platforms prioritize the creation of secure environments, protecting both the integrity of the assessment questions and the confidentiality of candidates’ responses. Features like secure browser modes and plagiarism detection contribute to maintaining a trustworthy evaluation process.

4. Comprehensive Post-Assessment Analysis:

The value of online assessments extends beyond the evaluation phase. Post-assessment, these platforms offer comprehensive analysis tools that delve into the performance metrics of each candidate. From numerical scores to detailed insights into strengths and areas for improvement, the post-assessment analysis empowers recruiters with data-driven decision-making capabilities.

These features collectively enhance the efficiency and precision of the recruitment process. The ability to manage many candidates, coupled with a diverse question library and customization options, ensures that evaluations align closely with each role’s unique demands. The emphasis on a secure environment and post-assessment analysis further solidifies the role of online assessments as indispensable tools in modern talent acquisition.

Choosing the Right Online Assessment Platform:

When considering the adoption of online assessments, it’s imperative to choose a platform that not only boasts these features but also aligns with the specific needs and goals of your organization. By leveraging these features, organizations can streamline their recruitment processes. This enables them to make informed decisions that contribute to the workforce’s overall success. Stay tuned as we continue to unravel the intricacies of online assessments, exploring how these tools shape the future of recruitment.

Benefits of Online Assessments

The integration of online assessments brings forth a myriad of benefits that redefine how companies identify, evaluate, and ultimately hire the right candidates.

1. Save Time and Resources:

Online assessments significantly streamline the recruitment process, automating the initial stages of candidate evaluation. This not only reduces the time spent on manual screening but also minimizes resource allocation to mundane tasks. Allowing recruiters to focus on strategic aspects of the hiring process.

2. Identify Qualified Candidates:

The precision of online assessments ensures that recruiters identify candidates with the requisite skills and competencies early in the process. By gauging candidates against predefined criteria, assessments help separate the qualified from the unqualified swiftly and objectively.

3. Compare Qualified Candidates:

Online assessments provide a standardized metric for evaluating candidates, facilitating an equitable comparison of qualified individuals. Recruiters can objectively assess candidates side by side, enabling a more informed decision-making process.

Online Assessment Benefits
Photo Credit: Freepik


4. Make Unbiased Hiring Decisions:

Bias is a perennial challenge in traditional hiring processes. Online assessments introduce objectivity by focusing on skills and competencies rather than subjective factors. This approach minimizes biases related to gender, ethnicity, or background, ensuring fair evaluation.

5. Hire a More Diverse Team:

By emphasizing objective criteria, online assessments contribute to building more diverse teams. The focus on skills and competencies opens doors for individuals from various backgrounds, fostering an inclusive work environment.

6. Hire for Culture Add:

Online assessments can be tailored to evaluate not just technical skills but also cultural fit. Assessing candidates for values, attitudes, and alignment with organizational culture ensures a cohesive and harmonious team dynamic.

7. Improve the Candidate Experience:

The digital nature of online assessments provides candidates with the flexibility to complete evaluations at their convenience. This contributes to a positive candidate experience, showcasing the organization as forward-thinking and considerate.

8. Improve Offer Acceptance Rate:

By ensuring that candidates are better aligned with the job requirements and organizational culture, online assessments increase the likelihood of candidates accepting job offers. This aligns expectations and fosters positive employer-employee relationships.

9. Reduce Time to Hire:

Efficiency is a hallmark of online assessments. By automating and expediting the initial stages of recruitment, organizations can significantly reduce the time it takes to identify, evaluate, and hire qualified candidates.

“Time Saving, Optimizing Quality of Hire. These aren’t just Benefits but Features You Should be on a Lookout while Choosing your Online Assessment Tools.”


10. Reduce the Cost of Hiring:

Time is money in the world of recruitment. The streamlined processes and automation brought about by online assessments contribute to a reduction in hiring costs, translating to financial benefits for the organization.

11. Reduce Turnover:

Online assessments aid in identifying candidates whose skills and values align with the organization’s needs. This alignment often leads to higher job satisfaction and, consequently, a reduction in turnover rates.

12. Improved Quality of Hire:

Ultimately, the overarching benefit of online assessments is an improved quality of hire. By selecting candidates based on skills, culture fit, and potential, organizations set the stage for a workforce that not only meets current needs but also contributes to long-term success.

Top 5 Online Assessment Tools:


1. Corporate Solutions by Jigya Software:

Powered by our robust cloud platform, this online assessment tool by Jigya Software offers seamless scalability, reliability, and security. Their tools and services enable organizations to make informed decisions at every stage of the employee journey. Jigya software has assessments for aptitude (cognitive, mechanical, and attention skills), basic skills (from typing to numeric entry), and personality (including a sales achievement predictor), all reviewed and refined by the company’s scientific advisory board. Whether it’s screening potential hires, assessing employee capabilities, or enhancing training programs, their assessments provide valuable insights to drive organizational success.

2. Education Solutions by Jigya Software:

Having expertise in corporate and education solutions, online assessment tools by Jigya Software. Their online assessment solution guarantees data privacy and compliance with industry standards. It evaluates a learner’s growth and potential using a assortment of customizable assessment tests catering to a variety of education platforms and learner requirements. Contact for a query, quote, or a tiered plan today.

3. Online Assessment tools by HireSelect

Earlier this year, Criteria Corp. rolled out a new version of its SaaS-based product, HireSelect, that allows for web-based pre-employment testing.  Criteria offers tiered pricing based on a company’s size so that it’s accessible to smaller businesses. HireSelect has recommended tests for 1,100 positions, ranging from loan officers to correctional officers, human resource managers to warehouse managers.

4. Online Assessment tools by GoHireTech

GoHireTech SaaS e-Assessment offers a large selection of topics in technology areas or can be designed to build customized tests that fit your business needs. Companies can generate a multi-subject test in seconds, hand-pick favorite questions, or even upload your own test content. Their Pre-Employment Assessment tool with customizable tests cover specific job requirements for roles in HR, sales, administration, IT, and accounting in industries ranging from health care to hospitality.

5. E- Assessment Tools by Pymetrics

This is a 6-year-old startup founded by two Harvard- and MIT-trained neuroscientists. Pymetrics offers games that can be used to assess soft skills, measuring 90 cognitive and emotional traits. The Pymetrics tool measures a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses and uses algorithms to benchmark them against a company’s top performers. The games take about 20 minutes and lead to a great candidate experience.


As we navigate the intricacies of modern recruitment, online assessment tools emerge as transformative instruments. They are reshaping the way organizations identify, evaluate, and select top-tier talent. Each tool within this diverse landscape serves as a unique lens, providing nuanced insights into different facets of a candidate’s capabilities. While coding tests have rightfully claimed attention in the recruitment sphere, the versatility of online assessments extends beyond technical roles. Whether seeking architects, accountants, salespeople, or HR specialists.

The objective nature of these assessments ensures a fair and impartial evaluation, focusing solely on a candidate’s abilities rather than subjective factors. This commitment to fairness not only enhances the overall candidate experience but also contributes to better long-term results.

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